Deadman's Journey

Welcome to the Family

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Welcome to Deadman! We are more than just a brewery. Together we form a community where stories are told and experiences are shared. While respecting the history that has gotten us this far, we are also eager to challenge tradition in hopes that it may lead us where no brewer have gone before.

With the growing demand for craft beer in Asia, we believe that experimentation is the key to creating exceptionally unique tasting beers.

However, when a beer tastes more like peanut butter or bacon than beer itself, we feel like it is a slap across the faces of the Beer Gods. We believe that the infusion of ingredients and spices should compliment a beer, not overwhelm the taste that our forefathers have spent centuries creating.

Here at Deadman, we believe in balance. Through extensive research and experimentation, we trust that our beers have struck the perfect equilibrium. Ultimately, crafting the best beer for you to enjoy.

We work hard, so you don’t have to. Now kick back, relax and enjoy a Deadman with your family and friends. You certainly deserve it!… and so do we.