Oktoberfest 2022 – Craft in Hong Kong 香港釀製 (Deadman x The Stadium)


⚠⚠All Participant must show their vaccine pass & 24 hrs RAT neg result before entering the event space 所有參加者入場前必須出示疫苗通行證及24小時內快測陰性結果⚠⚠

Oktoberfest 2022 – Craft in Hong Kong 香港釀製 (Deadman x Stadium)

Event Highlight 活動特色
– Oktoberfest 2022 will have more than craft beer! 24 craft-in-HK brands have joined us this year!! Including but not limited to non-alcoholic beverages, cocktails, gin, kombucha, etc.! All crafted in Hong Kong, with 24 brands in total 
– crossover with The Stadium 聯乘The Stadium
– each day serve different drinks, about 50 different drinks in two days! 兩日分別供應完全不同的飲品,多達50款不同的產品!

Venue 地點: The Stadium
4/F, The Wave, 4 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong 觀塘興業街4號The Wave 4樓

Date & time 日期及時間:
1 Oct (Sat) 14:00-00:00
2 Oct (Sun) 14:00-00:00

SKU: N/A Categories: ,


Oktoberfest 2022

This year we have more than craft beer! 24 craft-in-HK brands have joined us this year!! Including but not limited to non-alcoholic beverages, cocktails, gin, kombucha, etc. All crafted in ??

Joined breweries 參與「酒廠」:
– Alive Food
– Black Kite
– Carbon Brews
– Citibrew HK 香港城釀
– Deadman Brewery
– Double Haven
– Drink La
– H.K. Lovecraft
– Heroes Beer Co.
– Hong Kong Beer Co 香港啤酒公司
– Hong Kong Whistle 吹啤啤
– HoWong Brewing 日照夜霧
– Lion Rock Brewery
– Mak’s Brewery
– Mezzanine Makers 閣樓釀造
– Mindful Sparks
– Moonzen Brewery
– N.I.P. Gin 無名氏
– Perfume Trees Gin 白蘭樹下
– Taboocha 大杯茶
– TipsyCat 醉貓仙
– Yardley Brothers Craft Brewery
– Young Master 少爺啤

Over 50 drinks 超過五十種選擇

Each event day will serve different drinks, you will experience about 50 different drinks in two days!

Crossover with The Stadium 聯乘The Stadium

The event will hold at Stadium. An American-style sports bar in Kwun Tong.
是次活動會在以運動為主題的美式餐廳The Stadium觀塘中舉行。

3 Types of Tickets, 2 Sessions each day  三款門票,每天兩節

Tickets start from $250 to $480. Include

– Day session 中午時段 $250
Both days can access from 1400-1800 適用於兩天活動日 14:00 – 18:00 中午時段
Include 4 x token & 1 x Deadman glass (~215ml, +$100 upgrade to VIP XL glass) 門票已包括4枚代幣及1隻精美Deadman玻璃杯 (~215ml, +$100可升級至VIP XL杯)

– Night session 晚上時段 $300
Both days can access from 1800-0000 適用於兩天活動日 18:00 – 00:00 晚上時段
Include 4 x token & 1 x Deadman glass (~215ml, +$100 upgrade to VIP XL glass) 門票已包括4枚代幣及1隻精美Deadman玻璃杯 (~215ml, +$100可升級至VIP XL杯)

– ALL Day pass 全日通 $480
Both days can access from 1400-0000 適用於兩天活動日 14:00 – 00:00 全日時段
Include 12 x token & 1 x Deadman glass (~215ml, +$100 upgrade to VIP XL glass) 門票已包括12枚代幣及1隻精美Deadman玻璃杯 (~215ml, +$100可升級至VIP XL杯)

Let’s drink from day til night! 正式由朝飲到晚!

Token 代幣

All drinks/snacks need to redeem by token. Every token can redeem a glass of drink (~215ml) or a portion of snacks 場內以代幣作交易,每個代幣可換取1杯飲品(215ml)或1份小食
for additional token $50/token, $200/5 token 每個額外代幣 $50/1個,$200/5個

5. VIP XL glass 酒鬼加大杯

– $100 /glass 每隻$100
– once upgraded to VIP glass, every token can redeem a double amount of drinks (~420ml) 當升級到加大杯時,每個代幣都可以換取雙倍份量的飲品 (~420ml)

6. Catering 食物

1 token for every portion, featured snacks included 每枚代幣亦可以換取一份特色小食,包括

– Peri Peri Chicken Drumsticks 非洲香草辣雞槌配薄荷乳酪醬

– The Stadium Fish & Chips 炸鮮魚柳配薯片

– Cheesy Twisted Potato 旋風脆薯

– Grilled Sausages with Sauerkraut 烤香腸配酸椰菜

– Chilli Beef Nachos 辣肉醬粟米片

– Satay Beef Guabao 沙嗲牛肉刈包

Remarks 註:
– participants must be age 18 or above 參加者必須年滿十八歲
– participants must show their vaccine pass & 24 hrs RAT neg result before entering the event space (please visit https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/ for details) 參加者入場前必須出示疫苗通行證及24小時內快測陰性結果 (詳情請瀏覽https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/)
– if participants are unable to enter the event space due to an invalid vaccine pass / RAT result, no refund will be offered 如參加者因未能出示疫苗通行證或快測陰性結果而未能入場,均不會作出任何賠償或退款
– no refund will be offered for cancellations, no-shows, and early departures 取消、缺席或早退均不設退款
– if a typhoon signal No. 8 or above or a black rainstorm warning signal is hoisted two hours before the event begins, the event will be canceled; please follow the reschedule arrangement, but no refunds will be issued 如活動開始前兩小時仍然懸掛8號或以上颱風信號或黑色暴雨警告信號,活動將會取消,費用將不設退款,請留意大會公告的改期安排
– in the case of unexpected extreme weather conditions or unavoidable circumstances, Dark Side Enterprise Limited will based on safety conditions decide whether cancel the event or not without prior notice; please follow the reschedule arrangement, but no refunds will be issued 如活動遇上突發天氣或於迫不得已情況而不能如期進行, Dark Side Enterprise Limited 會視乎安全情況下決定取消與否,費用將不設退款,請留意大會公告的改期安排
– Dark Side Enterprise Limited reserves the right of all final decisions to any disputes 如有任何爭議, Dark Side Enterprise Limited保留最終決定權

Additional information


Day Session, Night Session, All Day Pass